Green Tea : Skin Care & Benefits

 The Internet has increased the awareness among the people for many things, Green Tea is surely one of them.

Green tea comes from the leaves of the flowering plant Camellia Sinensis, which is abundantly found in China, South and South-East Asia.

We all know Tea is the second most widely consumed drink after water and surely the share of green tea is on the rise due to its enormous health benefits.

Due to the wide range of health benefits of Green Tea, it can be touted as  Green Tea Elixir.

Skin Care Benefits

Environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, auto exhaust fumes, pesticides, ultra-violet rays contain highly reactive, unstable molecules known as free radicals.  These free radicals result in damage to cells, tissues, organs, and even DNA.

The polyphenols in green tea are antioxidants that have been found to ‘neutralize’ the free radicals in our bodies.

Green tea is used for skin care in a variety of ways. It is useful
for anti-aging, oily skin and clears clogged pores.

The Caffeine present in Green Tea brightens the skin.

Green Tea also helps to reduce the look of puffy eyes and dark circles.

Researchers found that green tea increased benzoic acid levels — a key compound used to treat skin irritation caused by burns or conditions such as eczema.

Drinking green tea may help to minimize the appearance of age spots caused by sun damage and prevent certain forms of skin cancer.

Green tea is a good choice to even out skin tone and reducing blemishes.


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