Why Men Prefer Coffee Face Wash Over Others

Men's skin differs from women's skin. You probably understand this intuitively, but do you understand how it differs? In a moment, we'll talk about what's different about men's skin and why men prefer coffee face wash over other cleansers. Men and women treat their skin in very different ways, but both want smooth, balanced skin with few pores. No denying it is nice to have a woman notice how good your skin feels and get impressed by it. Exfoliation is the key to better skin texture for men. This article will provide you with a simple and effective skincare product for it and why men prefer coffee face wash over other products. First, let's define the differences between men's and women's skin. How Do Men and Women Have Different Skin? Men's skin is oilier than women’s skin Men's skin pores are larger The skin of men is thicker The pH of men's skin is less acidic than that of women's skin Exfoliating your face with a coffee cleanser is ...