Coffee Face Wash - Ultimate Choice for Spotless and Glowing Skin

Coffee is the first thing required by most of us to wake up “completely”. It makes us filled with energy and acts as a fuel for keeping us working. For the past few years, coffee has been widely used in a variety of skincare products and people are loving it too. Thanks to the unmatchable amount of caffeine present in it.

We all wakeup with a sleepy face in the morning and washing it with a Coffee Face Wash can actually re-energize the dull, sleepy face of ours.

Let us see some scientifically proven benefits of washing your face with a coffee  face wash


Skin lightening- Coffee removes all the dead skin cells and other dirt particles residing on your skin surface that makes it dark and dull. As the dead skin cells are wiped away from the face, the skin tone is lightened and brightened.


Anti-aging- Free-radicals are those devils which attack our skin cells and promote aging. Antioxidants present in Coffee reverse the sign of aging by soaking the free-radicals.


Hydration- The skin loses its moisture when its protective barrier is damaged and as a result excessive loss of moisture from skin occurs. This loss causes dehydration of skin. Coffee provides enough hydration to skin layers and also creates a protective barrier between skin and atmosphere.


Reduces acne-  if you have prolonged acne issues then you should definitely start cleansing your face with coffee face wash because coffee contains chlorogenic acid which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It not only helps you get rid of pimples but also reduces the redness and swelling on the acne-prone skin area and hence is the best face wash for acne prone skin.


Reduces puffiness of eyes- We often get puffy eyes in the morning due to lack of sleep or some other reason. Caffeine in coffee damages the blood vessels around the eye area and reduces the puffiness present there. 

Shrinks the pores- Regular use of Coffee shrinks the open pores of skin and makes it tight, toned and firm.

Detoxifies- using a face wash with coffee cleans out all the toxins, dirt and other stuck particles from the pores of skin.


Reduce dark spots- Being a great source of antioxidants, coffee reduces the appearance of dark spots left away from acne, sun damage and inflammation. It also works great for hyperpigmentation related concerns of the face.


Protection from sun- Polyphenols in coffee which are strong sun-protecting agents, shields the skin from harmful effects of UV rays of sun.


All the information about the benefits of coffee is useless if you are not choosing the right product. Cleansing is the key step of your skin care routine and should be done with the best products only.

Every other brand is nowadays selling coffee based skincare products and claiming to be the best in the industry.

While choosing your face wash or cleanser, make sure that product is-


  • Non-comedogenic
  • Free from any nasty chemicals
  • Sulphate free
  • Paraben free
  • Not expired
  • Composed of natural ingredients



  • Wash your hands before washing your face.
  • Take a pea sized amount of face wash and massage it in circular motions.
  • Pat dry your face with a clean cotton towel.
  • Apply a non-oily moisturizer on your face followed by mattifying broad-spectrum sunscreen.


Along with waking us up in the morning, coffee also wakes our skin up. Regularly using Coffee face wash for oily skin reduces acne and pimples. Its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it the best face wash for wrinkles, dark spots and open pores. Coffee provides deep hydration to skin while protecting it from harmful UV rays of the sun. Choosing a coffee based face wash is a tricky process due to availability of so many options in the market, so several points such as ingredients, chemical composition and expiry date should be considered. Cleansing your face twice with this facewash re-energize your skin and also makes it radiant, clean and spot-free.


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